About PonoRez
PonoRez is Hawaii’s only collective, activity supplier owned,web-based reservation system. While competitive reservation systems value the bottom line, A3H values…values. A3H members have their own protected portal with 100% access & ownership of their data and funds. The cost to use PonoRez is a flat fee, set by the board of directors. Businesses have the opportunity to pay either a reasonable flat fixed rate or a % of the sales at checkout. Click here to view Features and Costs and here for the online PonoRez Application. There’s a large array of reservation systems available. None, other than PonoRez, are built specifically for and by Hawaii’s activity & attraction businesses.
What PonoRez is and is not along with our concerns about other competitive reservation systems:
- PonoRez is not privately owned or open to non-disclosed investors or sale. It is owned by A3H members & its ownership is transparent.
- PonoRez doesn’t charge a commission or take a % of sales; it charges a flat fee for a service.
- PonoRez doesn’t collect your money and later disburse, instead, 100% of your money is deposited directly to your bank account.
- PonoRez doesn’t take over your website. Instead, it gives you the tools to incorporate Google Analytics, FaceBook Pixel and any other tracking code while using either a hosted or self-hosted checkout.
- PonoRez doesn’t collect your data for any purpose other than for your sales. Your data is your property. Any aggregation of this data would be a board discussion and likely go out to a member vote.
- As of November 2018, Kula Software System, Inc. took over the operational management of the system. The business is being run like a software company, as it should be.
History / Overview
If you have never read The Battle for Boondoggle, please when you have a spare moment, read it. It is a document which very poignantly depicts the beginnings of our the A3H organization.
The Activities & Attractions Association is the result of a 2002 merger between AOA, (Activity Owners Association of Hawaii) and HAA, (Hawaii Attractions Association). AOA was founded in 1990 by a small but very dedicated group of activity providers. Their diligent efforts to unite the activities & attractions industry resulted in a strong statewide association that is currently considered the voice and legislative watchdog for the activities & attractions industry. HAA was founded in 1993 by an elite group of quality Oahu attractions, originally named Oahu Attractions Association. A synergy resulted in both Marketing and Lobbying efforts as the organization has combined into one. In 2000, we harnessed technology and created PonoRez to connect Membership with consumers, each other, and resellers.
The Activities & Attractions Association of Hawaii has nearly 200 members statewide. We work closely with each island’s Visitors Bureau, taking an active role in promoting tourism through state and county agencies and the Chamber of Commerce. From the beginning, the A3H has focused on achieving specific goals relating to consumer protection issues and developing standards of excellence in the activities industry. Additionally, it has been successful in developing a wide range of collective marketing and benefit programs for its members, while lobbying for the industry’s interests.
Click here for an interesting article, Tail Wagging the Dog, regarding the current marketing enviroment. It is written by our executive director, Toni Mari Davis.